OK, BosKogs - you know who you are. And, meta aside, you know why you're here. So let's dispense with the noise of the day and take a few minutes to think about the near future - the next BosKos meetup.
We've got a space ranging from a week until the end of the world - or NN14 - whichever comes first. And we need your input on this.
So - where will we meet? Right now, the general consensus has been to shoot for Cambridge for this next meetup; if you have a specific place in Cambridge, that'll be a good start. Ideally, within easy walking distance from public transportation, and with the potential for parking (motor vehicles as well as bikes).
Hop on over the fold for more, after taking a quick peek at an image of our dogs: Ember the aged one, and Max the youthful exuberant one.
Max has been keeping a careful eye on his elder, and the two of them "check in" with each other regularly to ensure that everything's ok, or whenever Ember wants to ask Max to join her when she goes out, or when Max comes back downstairs at night (calling for us to follow) if Ember decides she wants to sleep upstairs. (Sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't.)
OK - enough of that. Onward!