This is the event diary for the 2nd official BosKos meetup, compiled and written by Knockbally and GreyHawk with some input from HawkWife. Enjoy!
This, of course, is a "classic twist" - New Englanders are hearty and used to such things - so we dropped the walking tour for the sake of caution and opted to keep with the original food venue.
(c) - a storm bears down...
But it was a huge storm system, expected to affect several areas and make driving difficult, so several Kossacks let us know ahead of time that would have to regretfully pass on attending - particularly those who would have been coming from out of state. Definitely understandable - we don't want to lose anyone, and we definitely want to see these folks at the next gathering.
Of course, Mother Nature's liberal dosing of the event with a hefty application of Murphy's Law didn't end with the news of the impending storm...she had to balance the scales a bit, apparently, to ensure a proper amount of insanity matched up with the levels of effort from the folks attending. Apparently. Or something. In any case, our planned grouping had been whittled down to two groups: Knockbally, coming in from one direction, and the Hawk caravan from another, carrying both GreyHawk & HawkWife along with Delta Doc.
It was a real treat getting to meet the Hawks and Delta Doc. However, the weather turned out to be a surprise. Snow wasn't supposed to start until 2 pm to 4 pm. So I figured we had until 6 pm, weather reports being what they are.
As I approached the Ted Williams tunnel, the snow started coming down. Grrr. Then, when I arrived at Sleeper Street, found that it was under construction - couldn't go in.
The parking lot was...under construction?
And what's with this freakin' SNOW?
Which was a delight. Met my DKos buddies, and we all began easy conversation which lasted until they dropped me off at my car a few hours earlier. Good food, great people. I look forward to our next meetup and getting to know more folks from the great Beantown Metro Area!
Part of any successful meetup is the assurance that folks actually meet up, so I did a quick perusal of the Crab's site and confidently decided that we'd set their Raw Bar area as our initial meeting point.
Bad idea.
The Raw Bar...was closed, cold, and -
yes, quite freakin' RAW...
Apparently, our small cluster was noticeable enough when a smiling Knockbally strode up and asked if we were meeting a group of folks from Daily Kos.
The older I get, the more trepidation I have about traveling in snow. Now granted, this storm wasn't supposed to start until well after the appointed time. But this is New England, and the weather changes. Besides, GreyHawk was driving :p
We had no idea how much construction was going on around the restaurant, or even in that area of town.
Ahhhh...a warm, inviting woodstove,
right by our table!
It was quite cozy sitting near the potbelly stove, talking, laughing, and occasionally glancing at the snow gently swirling outside.
And, if you glanced up...Year-round holiday lights!
The lighting set a warm, inviting mood.
Greetings from the second official BosKos meetup!
Knockbally and Hawkwife say hi!