OK, the votes are in, and after the tedious job of tallying them all up through a double-blind study and then going through the prerequisite recounts in all conservative districts, we have democratically arrived at a venue in time & space: Saturday, 12 April 2014 at the Café Barada in Cambridge:
Venue: Café BaradaWe'll shoot for 2 pm; latecomers welcome.
Time: 2:00 pm
Cuisine: Lebanese
Address: 2269 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140
Phone:(617) 354-2112
Our next meetup after that will also be a Saturday - May 10, on Newbury Ave in Boston, for a Climate Concert (h/t WarrenS):
On Saturday, May 10, three singers from diverse musical traditions will join together to draw attention to the global climate crisis. Featured artists are: singer-songwriter Dean Stevens, South Indian classical vocalist Deepti Navaratna, and the brilliantly innovative jazz vocalist Gabrielle Agachiko. The music begins at 7:00 pm, at Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury Street, Boston, MA. Tickets are $25; $20 students/seniors. All proceeds will go to the environmental organization www.350MA.org. For information, please call 781-396-0734, visit “Singing For The Planet” on Facebook, or go to the event website.For folks who can only attend on Sundays, we're making our End of May/Start of June meetup happen on Sunday, June 1 - tentative venue is the Greek Corner restaurant in Cambridge, also around 2 pm.
So - who's coming on Saturday the 12th, to join us at Café Barada? Let us know in comments...
Thank you.